Reviewing submitted shift evaluations

When you are the evaluator for a shift evaluation submitted by someone else, you need to review that evaluation and approve or reject it. This ensures accountability and data integrity.

Finding shift evaluations that need your attention

By default, this To Do tab on the Evaluations page shows evaluations that you need to review, as well as in-progress evaluations that you haven't yet finished.

  1. Go to the Evaluations page.

  2. Go to the To Do tab.

    Evaluations To Do tab
  3. (Optional) If you would like to see only the shift evals that need your approval, tap the at the top of the screen to filter the list.

    • Select Shift under Eval type to see only simulated patient evaluations

    • Select yourself as the evaluator.

    Evaluations Filter

Responding to an individual shift evaluation

Review the shift evaluation, add any missing inforomation, and approve or reject it.

  1. Tap the shift evaluation in the To Do list.

  2. Review the shift evaluation details. See Filling out a shift evaluation for details on the form.

    Shift evaluation details
  3. If you need to make changes, tap , then select (edit).

  4. (Optional) Leave a Comment or Faculty Notes.

  5. Approve or reject the shift evaluation:

    • To approve, tap then select Approve.

    • To Reject, tap then select Reject.

Last updated