Working with submitted evaluations
All evaluation types, except simulation sessions, appear on the evaluations page.
Last updated
All evaluation types, except simulation sessions, appear on the evaluations page.
Last updated
All evaluation types, except simulation sessions, appear on the Evaluations page. If you're using a mobile device, you may need to access this page by first tapping (menu).
The To Do tab displays:
Evaluations you have created and saved. You can edit the evals before submitting or completing them.
Evaluations created by others that you need to verify as the evaluator. You can edit the evals before approving them.
The Submitted tab displays the evaluations about you that have been submitted for verification, but have not yet been approved by the evaluator. You cannot edit these evaluations.
The Done tab displays all the evaluations about you that have been verified. You cannot edit these evaluations.
An evaluation item; tap to view expanded information about the evaluation.
Evaluation type
Audit status (completed evaluations only)
Date / Time Range
Learning activity
Tap to select an evaluation item; multiple evaluations can be selected at once and acted on in bulk.
You can Submit, Complete, or Approve multiple evaluations at the same time.
In order to update in bulk, all the selected evaluations must have the same status.
To bulk update the selected evaluations, tap the orange floating button at the bottom of the screen.
You can act on evaluations from list view or when viewing a particular evaluation's details.
Submit, Complete, or Approve evals in bulk by selecting box next to the evaluations in the list view, and then tapping the orange floating button on the bottom of the screen.
From the details view, you can:
Tap to filter the evaluations list by any of the following:
Filter the list of evaluations by tapping at the top of the screen.
If you're using a mobile device with a smaller screen, you can access these options by tapping at bottom of screen in expanded evaluation view. On larger screen sizes, the actions appear in the top-right corner of the evaluations details pane.
Approve an evaluation for which you are the evaluator.
Reject an evaluation for which you are the evaluator.
Submit an evaluation for verification (you are not the evaluator).
Complete an evaluation that you started previously but haven't submitted.
Edit an evaluation if it is not yet submitted.
Delete an evaluation.