The Dashboard
This article provides quick and easy access to items that need your attention.
Accessing the Dashboard
The dashboard appears by default when you sign in. To return to the dashboard from another page, tap Dashboard in the navigation menu.
If you are a faculty member, you can view a specific student's dashboard by tapping in the top-right corner of the screen.
Notifications widget
The Notifications widget displays scheduling notifications.
To change your notification preferences, tap .
Evals To Do widget
The Evals To Do widget displays evaluations that need your attention, which may include:
Evaluations that you started but did not complete
Evaluations for which you are the evaluator, and that need your approval
Evaluations of yours that have been rejected (denoted by an icon)
Tap an evaluation to act on it.
Upcoming Events widget
The Upcoming Events widget displays upcoming events that are assigned to you.
To view more details, tap the event.
To clock in directly, tap .
Evaluations Progress widget
The Evaluations Progress widget displays your progress towards satisfying the evaluation requirements for each learning phase.
From this widget, you can:
Select a Learning Phase to view progress for that phase.
Tap to show success rate charts.
Tap the name of an evaluation to start a new evaluation of that type.
Tap a score in an Evaluated by column to see the evaluations that have counted for that requirement.
Shift Hours widget
The Shift Hours widget shows the total hours you're scheduled for versus the hours you have attended.
The #FOAMFINDER widget shows medical education content based on your recent patient encounters.
Last updated