Creating a shift evaluation for someone else

Shift evaluations capture multiple patient encounters during a clinical or field shift. Instructors may evaluate students, and students may evaluate their peers if instructed to do so.

Step 1: Start the evaluation

  1. Tap the button, then select Shift Eval.

  2. When prompted, select where the shift is taking place.

    Select a location
  3. Tap the bottom bar to choose who you're evaluating.

    The bottom bar may show "Pick People" or "[name] is evaluating [name]".

  4. Set the evaluation parameters:

    Evaluation participants
    • Select the Student that you are evaluating.

    • Make sure you are selected as the Evaluator.

  5. When you're finished, tap the .

Step 2: Fill out the evaluation details

Complete the form to record the student's performance.

Shift evaluation details

See Filling out a shift evaluation for more details.

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